Sunday, May 23, 2010

C class de class trip!

Yesterday i went to C class de class trip~

It isn't quite fun for me cause i don't really really noe some of the people over there~ although most of it i noe~

But it's still kinda boring for me =.=

I was always left alone =(

Ying ying n shintinn had a lot of fun lah~ =p

I think~

N u noe!

I was pull into the bouncer =.=

At first i told them that i don't want.....yet~ cause i want to help teacher cook foods( cause cher says that later they played finish then sure will be hungry de~)

In the end i still got wet lah =.=

It was damn LONELY for me =.=

Ok for other people but for n also not very fun =p

A lot of my friends got bungkus by the boys~ so funny ah!

C class de form teacher also played with us (inclucing her husband)

cher also had a lot of fun!

I have nothing to post bout le~ cause nothing really happened for me yesterday~ as u all noe cause i kept on repeating that it wasn't REALLY fun for me =p

When i came back home~ i went straight to bath n also brush my teeth~ then went to bed

When my head hit the pillow n close my eyes, don't have to wait for like 3 minutes then i sleep le~ lol!

Sleep till.....9 this morning =p

K~  end of story for C class de class trip =p

hmm.......nothing to write le~ =(

gonna end here =p

chao! =D 

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