Saturday, May 29, 2010

At my house on 28-5-2010

Not gonna read manga yet T.T cause i have to post another news =D



On 28-5-2010 my friends came to my house cause we need to do our MIB projects~ =p

My mum made cakes, pizzas and puddings for ma friends!......n also for me n my family of course =.=

It's delicious! 

Shintinn jie next time when we invite u, u better come oh! =p

we had a lot of fun but only have one bad news for me only~ (again) because i'm sick =.=


nothing to say~ i'm just gonna upload the pictures! =p

I don't noe y i can't upload other pictures~ so i'm gonna just show u guys that(?) lol! =p

I can only just show u guys that =D

ok nothing to post le~ 

oh ya still have one!

1st place = Green house
2nd place = Yellow house
3rd place = Blue house
4th place = Red house




bye~ =D

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