Wednesday, May 25, 2011

25 ♥ 5 ♥ 2011 / children's day ♥

it's Children's Day in CHMS today! =D i have no idea other schools or other countries are having the same or not but oh well~ =p

it's a very tiring day for me~ -.-

we had an official leave cause we MUST help out at the bookshop~ n so we did~

not only us....some other which joined to work in the book shop also did had an official leave~

we pack a lot of stuffs today, did counting for every Primary 1 to Primary 6 classes( u can imagine....our shop was full of boxes and plastic bags) then we delivered every little gifts/ foods/ drinks to there classes~

my gosh! those gifts and drinks are so heavy that 2 girls can carry only 1 plastic bag/ box only! 

the boys.....of course they can carry one by themselves~ then we have those's heavy too! but then at  least it's not as heavy as those gifts~ D:

mostly us girls only carried those foods~ but it's a big box~ =p

we have to go up n down the stair a lot of times~ we have to go far away cause some of the classes aren't near to the bookshop~ 

it's really so tiring~ T.T 

but then we didn't just work n get nothin' back~ madam and Teacher Ann gave us 1 bottle of drinks each! =D Madam gave a 1~ n Teacher Ann gave us 1~ woots! =p

oh ya! i took some pictures when we was all having our break times~ =p

 kalai~ =D

 kalai with Zhen Cherng behind his cloth~ =p

 me with singsiew! =p we're just friends k? -.- he was sitting beside me so i took a picture with him! =D cynthia was sitting at my other side too but then she will never take pictures~ -.- never ever~ T.T

u see! it's madam with the red shirt n black pants! =D 

 we wanted to play 'Monopoly' but then no space to play so oh well.....n also because nobody seems like wanting to play~ >.O =p

 'Monopoly' =D

 oh ya! Madam gave us free keropok too! =p 1 pack only though~ =p so we ate~ =D then we asked singsiew advertise it for us~ lol? =D

then one of my friend took this picture of me~ LOL! =p


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pizzas! =D

Today, i felt kinda sick~ -.-

but that's not the point right now~ so skip! =p

p/s: i'm listening to "kiss the radio" now! =D

anyways~ today at my maths tuition, my tuition cher belanja-ed up to pizza! woots! =p

even though we haven't gotten our test papers yet but still cher belanja-ed us~ ^.^v

luckily i took my camera with me! =p so now pictures time! ^^

it looks fine ain't it? well DUH! lol! it is FUN! very very very fun! =D


Friday, May 20, 2011

late night blogging~

yeah~ as i've mentioned in my last post~ not my sister's one~ mine~ =D

i've told u guys that i had my exams so that is y i could not blog anything~ =p 

yeah, but now my Mid-Year Exams are over! woots! =D

although i only got back 3 of my test papers(which i have no intentions of mentioning it here so public~ =p), my marks r lower than my Test 1's~ -.- but then still at average~ =D at least? LOL! =p

having exams is very stressful but after exams n needing to receive our exam test papers r also stressful~ T.T

anyways! me blogging not is not for me to talk bout my exams! i don't wanna think bout it~ =p now is for relaxing~ ^.^v

anyways......i've been wanting to show u guys my new earrings which i bout in the early of this year~ -.- around Feb~ LOL! i noe~ y did i only post it now? i also don't noe~ HAHAHAHAHA! =D

okie the picture: ^.^v

okie~ just so u noe~ i'm not a christian...i only bought this cause it looks nice~ =D

i am a Buddhist ~ n i will forever be one! ^.^v

go gangster-like ain't it? lol! so? =p

i also wanted to blog bout another topic......

it's bout me missing last year's mini marathon training~ yeah~ i miss that a lot~ >.O

although it's very tiring but still i had a lot of fun with my sister, cynthia and kally~ =D 

i didn't get to post the pictures last year~ so i'm gonna post it now~ ^.^v

 i took this by myself de ah~ lol? =p

ying ying + cynthia~ =D

 we always sat on our fav seats(which is still one of our fav seats~ =p) then we can look out to this view~ there's always big winds blowing towards us~ n that's y we it's our fav seats~ LOL! =D

then me n my sister(look up) would always sit at this bench to wait for our driver~ =D

okie! end here~ long post aint it? =p it's for not blogging for a super duper long time~ ^.^v



Thursday, May 19, 2011

how many times would it get for me to get it right?

first of all! i apologize first! 

"im sorry guys for not blogging for sooooooo......... (and so on and so on) long! a week, a month, or more maybe? i dunno! i just noe i haven't been blogging~ and im sorrryyy! :D"

i should be forgiven because exams came and gone from last wed to this wed~

been quite busyyyy! i've been like crazy studying ><"" i just hope myyy results would be okkkkk~ if not okayyyy at least a pass? o.o but i noe myy chinese has a "NO HOPE" sign on top~ soo im giving up on chinese.

okayyy im done with da examss~ not gonna remind myyself of those results.


starting sat im going to be on official leave to help out in da bookshop in school cause children's day iss almost here in Chung Hwa soo yeaa~ gonna be really busy with all those packing and all~! WEEEEE FOR NOT STUDYING!

but BUUUU! for not learning~
but im gonna force myy friends to help me out with da notes to copy~ wahahahahhaha! evil me :pp


okayy im head over heels in love with Glee noww! WOAH!  never thought i could be~ :pp

i love glee cause they have awesome song when they did competitions or duet or something like dat? it's addicting! :D

here are some of myy favorited song i've known :p

nice! (Y)

this was just ok but still nice ^^Y

this is myy favourite of all their song! i love Rachel Berry's(Lea Michele) voice! i love how she raise her voice in da middle! it's more than awesome! :DD she really noes how to sing!

okayyy this is da end of the post for todayyy~ i have homework to do ><"

p.s i wanna go the mall with myy friends tomolo like really badly! ><"!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

short post

Mid- Year is starting today! so i can't online anymore~ -.- 

it's gonna end on the 18th of May so only after 18th of May then only i can blog something so be patience k? LOL! 

k bye! >.O

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Berakas Post Office!

yesteday, Mr.Salifu brought me, my sister n some(a lot acutally) of my friends to Berakas Post Office! =D

it was damn fun! LOL! 

i even get to use the camera that i wanted so damn much! it's not the exactly the same~ but still~ it's cool! =D

BUT! it's Mr.Salifu's one~ not mine~ =(

i took a lot of pictures with that camera! =D

then i forgotten to take loads of pictures with my camera~LOL! but then cynthia helped with it~ but then! not much battery so half way cannot take liaw~ kekdao~ =p time! =D

this is the camera that i used~ COOL! =D

me, kingston (ston) and rezel (zel)


when we was all in the bus~ =p i was sitting at the last row~ so i can take a good view of them~ =p

zhencherng (cherng) 

cherng and aaron(aaronna)! so damn cute ah them! they didn't noe cynthia took this picture when they was napping~ then after that then only we showed this picture to them! =p

ying,zel and jian

one of the workers that showed us around~ =p

this is....DUH! of course it's me! =D


i have one last question to ask.....the vocalist up there in the video.....isn't he acting in the Glee movie? o.o 

right right? o.o