Thursday, May 19, 2011

how many times would it get for me to get it right?

first of all! i apologize first! 

"im sorry guys for not blogging for sooooooo......... (and so on and so on) long! a week, a month, or more maybe? i dunno! i just noe i haven't been blogging~ and im sorrryyy! :D"

i should be forgiven because exams came and gone from last wed to this wed~

been quite busyyyy! i've been like crazy studying ><"" i just hope myyy results would be okkkkk~ if not okayyyy at least a pass? o.o but i noe myy chinese has a "NO HOPE" sign on top~ soo im giving up on chinese.

okayyy im done with da examss~ not gonna remind myyself of those results.


starting sat im going to be on official leave to help out in da bookshop in school cause children's day iss almost here in Chung Hwa soo yeaa~ gonna be really busy with all those packing and all~! WEEEEE FOR NOT STUDYING!

but BUUUU! for not learning~
but im gonna force myy friends to help me out with da notes to copy~ wahahahahhaha! evil me :pp


okayy im head over heels in love with Glee noww! WOAH!  never thought i could be~ :pp

i love glee cause they have awesome song when they did competitions or duet or something like dat? it's addicting! :D

here are some of myy favorited song i've known :p

nice! (Y)

this was just ok but still nice ^^Y

this is myy favourite of all their song! i love Rachel Berry's(Lea Michele) voice! i love how she raise her voice in da middle! it's more than awesome! :DD she really noes how to sing!

okayyy this is da end of the post for todayyy~ i have homework to do ><"

p.s i wanna go the mall with myy friends tomolo like really badly! ><"!

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