Friday, May 20, 2011

late night blogging~

yeah~ as i've mentioned in my last post~ not my sister's one~ mine~ =D

i've told u guys that i had my exams so that is y i could not blog anything~ =p 

yeah, but now my Mid-Year Exams are over! woots! =D

although i only got back 3 of my test papers(which i have no intentions of mentioning it here so public~ =p), my marks r lower than my Test 1's~ -.- but then still at average~ =D at least? LOL! =p

having exams is very stressful but after exams n needing to receive our exam test papers r also stressful~ T.T

anyways! me blogging not is not for me to talk bout my exams! i don't wanna think bout it~ =p now is for relaxing~ ^.^v

anyways......i've been wanting to show u guys my new earrings which i bout in the early of this year~ -.- around Feb~ LOL! i noe~ y did i only post it now? i also don't noe~ HAHAHAHAHA! =D

okie the picture: ^.^v

okie~ just so u noe~ i'm not a christian...i only bought this cause it looks nice~ =D

i am a Buddhist ~ n i will forever be one! ^.^v

go gangster-like ain't it? lol! so? =p

i also wanted to blog bout another topic......

it's bout me missing last year's mini marathon training~ yeah~ i miss that a lot~ >.O

although it's very tiring but still i had a lot of fun with my sister, cynthia and kally~ =D 

i didn't get to post the pictures last year~ so i'm gonna post it now~ ^.^v

 i took this by myself de ah~ lol? =p

ying ying + cynthia~ =D

 we always sat on our fav seats(which is still one of our fav seats~ =p) then we can look out to this view~ there's always big winds blowing towards us~ n that's y we it's our fav seats~ LOL! =D

then me n my sister(look up) would always sit at this bench to wait for our driver~ =D

okie! end here~ long post aint it? =p it's for not blogging for a super duper long time~ ^.^v



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