Wednesday, May 25, 2011

25 ♥ 5 ♥ 2011 / children's day ♥

it's Children's Day in CHMS today! =D i have no idea other schools or other countries are having the same or not but oh well~ =p

it's a very tiring day for me~ -.-

we had an official leave cause we MUST help out at the bookshop~ n so we did~

not only us....some other which joined to work in the book shop also did had an official leave~

we pack a lot of stuffs today, did counting for every Primary 1 to Primary 6 classes( u can imagine....our shop was full of boxes and plastic bags) then we delivered every little gifts/ foods/ drinks to there classes~

my gosh! those gifts and drinks are so heavy that 2 girls can carry only 1 plastic bag/ box only! 

the boys.....of course they can carry one by themselves~ then we have those's heavy too! but then at  least it's not as heavy as those gifts~ D:

mostly us girls only carried those foods~ but it's a big box~ =p

we have to go up n down the stair a lot of times~ we have to go far away cause some of the classes aren't near to the bookshop~ 

it's really so tiring~ T.T 

but then we didn't just work n get nothin' back~ madam and Teacher Ann gave us 1 bottle of drinks each! =D Madam gave a 1~ n Teacher Ann gave us 1~ woots! =p

oh ya! i took some pictures when we was all having our break times~ =p

 kalai~ =D

 kalai with Zhen Cherng behind his cloth~ =p

 me with singsiew! =p we're just friends k? -.- he was sitting beside me so i took a picture with him! =D cynthia was sitting at my other side too but then she will never take pictures~ -.- never ever~ T.T

u see! it's madam with the red shirt n black pants! =D 

 we wanted to play 'Monopoly' but then no space to play so oh well.....n also because nobody seems like wanting to play~ >.O =p

 'Monopoly' =D

 oh ya! Madam gave us free keropok too! =p 1 pack only though~ =p so we ate~ =D then we asked singsiew advertise it for us~ lol? =D

then one of my friend took this picture of me~ LOL! =p


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