Thursday, June 2, 2011

Prince + Princess 2

I've been watching "Prince + Princess 2" these days~ =p

how do i noe that movie? =p cause i saw it in the tv~ =D

this is the movie~ =D

 lead boy actor! =D

then lead girl actor! =D although she doesn't look like this in the movie~ o.o

but then now i suddenly don't feel like watching liaw~ -.- so i'm not gonna! =D but then maybe next time i will? =D heehee~ =p

today went to school in the evening cause i needed to go to my Badminton ECA~ but then there isn't any~ -.- so kekdao eh~ cause i've been waiting to have Badminton ECA since after Mid-Year but then there's no lessons! -.- 

next week i can't go already cause it's gonna be HOLIDAY~ it's fun to have holiday but it's gonna be so boring too~ -.- except the part where my sister is coming back! =D

WHEE! my sister is coming back! YEAH! =D finally the time have reached! =p been waiting so long! =p

then we can do a lot of stuffs together! YEAH! =D

then my sister could bring me out driving! YEAH! =D

LOL! =p too hyper now~ =p

my sistar! =D


me + one of my friend , t.wanying~ <3

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