Sunday, May 1, 2011

Berakas Post Office!

yesteday, Mr.Salifu brought me, my sister n some(a lot acutally) of my friends to Berakas Post Office! =D

it was damn fun! LOL! 

i even get to use the camera that i wanted so damn much! it's not the exactly the same~ but still~ it's cool! =D

BUT! it's Mr.Salifu's one~ not mine~ =(

i took a lot of pictures with that camera! =D

then i forgotten to take loads of pictures with my camera~LOL! but then cynthia helped with it~ but then! not much battery so half way cannot take liaw~ kekdao~ =p time! =D

this is the camera that i used~ COOL! =D

me, kingston (ston) and rezel (zel)


when we was all in the bus~ =p i was sitting at the last row~ so i can take a good view of them~ =p

zhencherng (cherng) 

cherng and aaron(aaronna)! so damn cute ah them! they didn't noe cynthia took this picture when they was napping~ then after that then only we showed this picture to them! =p

ying,zel and jian

one of the workers that showed us around~ =p

this is....DUH! of course it's me! =D


i have one last question to ask.....the vocalist up there in the video.....isn't he acting in the Glee movie? o.o 

right right? o.o

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