Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i'll wait forever for youuu

back to blogging since holiday isss OVER! -.-'

holiday was just over and all of myy classmate was like asking your form teacher "when does holiday starts?" i was like WTH? holiday was just over -l.-'! LOL but i also really wish holiday would quickly come soo i don't have to wake up soooo early in da morning EVERDAY! :))

as you guys noeee~ well only CHMSian noesss~ test isss coming for some formsss including us! OO


hates test -.-' :))

hope test quickly get over then i can get da WII mummy PROMISED to buy for us! WEEEE! sooo damn happy! HAHAHAHAHA

all thanks to myy cousinssss cause she let us played for like a day then mummy saw us having sooo much fun then let us buy! WEEEE!

and jie jie said she's gonna buy lots of WII game for us all from UK! 8D


who's that?! 


she's also da judge in American Idol!

da super duper famous show :))

there's one part tat sounds sooo familiar don't you think? OO 


ain't MIMI cute?! OMG sooo damn CUTE! HAHAHAHAHA 

she's trying to learn how to use da computer~ LOL!!!

(specially made this pichaa super big soo tat you can see mimi a whole lot clearer :"])

okayyy~ blogged alot liaw~ stop here~ byess :))

Friday, March 18, 2011


okie~ from tomorrow onwards till the 26th of March~ this blog is gonna be on hiatus~ =p for a certain reason~ which i don't wanna mention to public~ =p 

it's personal~ hee! =D


Thursday, March 17, 2011

you're the only one special to me ♥

blogged once and after that none blog~ sowii guyss :)) hahaha

fang also haven't been blogging soo yarh~ but she blogged liaw!

yeappss! DOWN THERE isss wat she have blogged :p

and this UP HERE iss MYY post :b

ohh! btw here's a message for jiee :

dear jie.... pff~ no need sooo formal larh we're sisters! WEEEE

jie! there's a prob with our twitter in da blog there --> :pp

can you pwss help us? hahaha thankiuuu jie! 

lots of love for youuuu :pp


been searching for Park Jung Min's photo in google! he's da hawt guy i talked about in da last two post of mine :))

ain't he hawt or wat?

of cause he's sooo damn hot! :pp

and also here's something i found on da internet! soo CUTE! :DD

Jung Min and someone else :))
can't stop laughing when i saw this short videoo :pp

 -ends here-

thursday - working at bookstore

that day was the hardest most painful day ever! D:

me, ying, singsiew, aaron and brandon helped moved "30" boxes from the bookstore to the office!

n the box weight around MAYBE more than 10KG! D:

OMG! IKR? -.-

n u can think~ 30 freakin' boxes! 

people studying in CHMS(B.S.B) noe that it's very far from the bookstore to the offce~

we was all sweating after all those moving~ 

then the next day~ my arms hurt a whole lot!

now that i think bout it......it's still hurting a little~ -.-

okie~ end of that day~

now to the present time~

nothing much happened today~ just studied in the morning~ i meant went to school~ =p

in the afternoon no E.C.A *boo!* it has been weeks we haven't even had Badminton E.C.A~ -.-

after this first term holiday then only will start again~ boring! we waited so long for it man! D:

okie~ u can feel that i'm like not me in this post~ cause i'm very boring right now~ n it's ruining my mood~ i seem mad at this post~ O.O

nvm! just this one post~ =p sorry! =D

oh ya! today is the starting of our first term holiday!


24 hours haven't even end but i'm missing my friends already~ T.T

yeah! i got to hug tornado before she leaves! =p hey! i seldom get it k? =p


3 pictures of my male cat~ =p


cute die! =p

i noe! he is huge! D: a lot of people told me that too! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! =D

newest DP in facebook! =p

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Apple ipod nano multi-touch

i want this ipod so much! especially the blue one! but my sister wanted the pink one~ -.-

i think blue more attractive lah~ right? isn't it?! =p

oh ya! avel! i bought the BLACK color nail polish from face shop already! =D WHEE! finally! =p

then ying ying bought the white one~ =D


Saturday, March 12, 2011

wat goes around comes around

welll heloooo again!

youu see~ im being good these past few daysss i blogged much now! 8D

okayy something just happened just now! OO

myy female cat feifei(as you guys noe oledi cause WE blog much about her) she caught a lizard AGAIN!

logically~ when cats caught something~ they show it to their masters or mistress as a present~ :)) tat's wat i heard from others :D good cats aren't they? :pp

a pichaa of fei fei! .... with da .... lizard ....

you can see da lizard beside fei fei OO!
scaryy! wat's funny ishh da lizard's playing dead! 8D

da pretending to be dead lizard tat fei fei caught

tat's all about fei fei :))

as you guys should have notice im bored these few dayysss

soo wat do i do for fun?~ i paint myy nailsss!!

this time i tried it with black! 8D
don't wanna get it near da edge else it's hard to rub it off when i wanted to

myy hand aren't nice soo da black doesn't suit me well~ but i bought a black nail polish soo i might as well use it~ else i'll let it dry up meh?  not possible :pp

okayss -end- byesss~

can't help falling in love with you

saw this gurl call "karen" on AMERICAN IDOL!

she has nice voice youu noe! :pp

and she's hawt (wiggles eyebrow) HAHAHA!

song's name Hero~ she mixed it with spanish which makes it special ^^Y

and also this song BELOW!

it's PARK JUNG MIN! from SS501

OMYGWAD! he has mesmerizing eyesss! :pp like myy written titile~ i can't help falling in love! WEEEE :))

he has awesome voice too! :b

recently been bored soo edited this pichaa~ easy as pie if you wanna learn~
 all those GUYS up there are all myy top idols :)) 

Friday, March 11, 2011

8 ♥ 3 ♥ 2011

i had so much fun on that day~ cynthia, oh oh n kingston came to my house to do our computer project~ but then most of the time we played games~ =D

we played sa ki kong u noe?! =p

then the loser must get hit on the forehead~

i got hit 2 times nia but then already so damn painful le ah the next day~ think bout my friends getting hit many more times then me~ D: so kasian~ =p

took a lot of picture using oh oh's phone~ SO NICE AH HER PHONE! >.<
