Thursday, March 17, 2011

thursday - working at bookstore

that day was the hardest most painful day ever! D:

me, ying, singsiew, aaron and brandon helped moved "30" boxes from the bookstore to the office!

n the box weight around MAYBE more than 10KG! D:

OMG! IKR? -.-

n u can think~ 30 freakin' boxes! 

people studying in CHMS(B.S.B) noe that it's very far from the bookstore to the offce~

we was all sweating after all those moving~ 

then the next day~ my arms hurt a whole lot!

now that i think bout's still hurting a little~ -.-

okie~ end of that day~

now to the present time~

nothing much happened today~ just studied in the morning~ i meant went to school~ =p

in the afternoon no E.C.A *boo!* it has been weeks we haven't even had Badminton E.C.A~ -.-

after this first term holiday then only will start again~ boring! we waited so long for it man! D:

okie~ u can feel that i'm like not me in this post~ cause i'm very boring right now~ n it's ruining my mood~ i seem mad at this post~ O.O

nvm! just this one post~ =p sorry! =D

oh ya! today is the starting of our first term holiday!


24 hours haven't even end but i'm missing my friends already~ T.T

yeah! i got to hug tornado before she leaves! =p hey! i seldom get it k? =p


3 pictures of my male cat~ =p


cute die! =p

i noe! he is huge! D: a lot of people told me that too! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! =D

newest DP in facebook! =p

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