Thursday, March 17, 2011

you're the only one special to me ♥

blogged once and after that none blog~ sowii guyss :)) hahaha

fang also haven't been blogging soo yarh~ but she blogged liaw!

yeappss! DOWN THERE isss wat she have blogged :p

and this UP HERE iss MYY post :b

ohh! btw here's a message for jiee :

dear jie.... pff~ no need sooo formal larh we're sisters! WEEEE

jie! there's a prob with our twitter in da blog there --> :pp

can you pwss help us? hahaha thankiuuu jie! 

lots of love for youuuu :pp


been searching for Park Jung Min's photo in google! he's da hawt guy i talked about in da last two post of mine :))

ain't he hawt or wat?

of cause he's sooo damn hot! :pp

and also here's something i found on da internet! soo CUTE! :DD

Jung Min and someone else :))
can't stop laughing when i saw this short videoo :pp

 -ends here-

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