Saturday, March 12, 2011

wat goes around comes around

welll heloooo again!

youu see~ im being good these past few daysss i blogged much now! 8D

okayy something just happened just now! OO

myy female cat feifei(as you guys noe oledi cause WE blog much about her) she caught a lizard AGAIN!

logically~ when cats caught something~ they show it to their masters or mistress as a present~ :)) tat's wat i heard from others :D good cats aren't they? :pp

a pichaa of fei fei! .... with da .... lizard ....

you can see da lizard beside fei fei OO!
scaryy! wat's funny ishh da lizard's playing dead! 8D

da pretending to be dead lizard tat fei fei caught

tat's all about fei fei :))

as you guys should have notice im bored these few dayysss

soo wat do i do for fun?~ i paint myy nailsss!!

this time i tried it with black! 8D
don't wanna get it near da edge else it's hard to rub it off when i wanted to

myy hand aren't nice soo da black doesn't suit me well~ but i bought a black nail polish soo i might as well use it~ else i'll let it dry up meh?  not possible :pp

okayss -end- byesss~

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