Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i'll wait forever for youuu

back to blogging since holiday isss OVER! -.-'

holiday was just over and all of myy classmate was like asking your form teacher "when does holiday starts?" i was like WTH? holiday was just over -l.-'! LOL but i also really wish holiday would quickly come soo i don't have to wake up soooo early in da morning EVERDAY! :))

as you guys noeee~ well only CHMSian noesss~ test isss coming for some formsss including us! OO


hates test -.-' :))

hope test quickly get over then i can get da WII mummy PROMISED to buy for us! WEEEE! sooo damn happy! HAHAHAHAHA

all thanks to myy cousinssss cause she let us played for like a day then mummy saw us having sooo much fun then let us buy! WEEEE!

and jie jie said she's gonna buy lots of WII game for us all from UK! 8D


who's that?! 


she's also da judge in American Idol!

da super duper famous show :))

there's one part tat sounds sooo familiar don't you think? OO 


ain't MIMI cute?! OMG sooo damn CUTE! HAHAHAHAHA 

she's trying to learn how to use da computer~ LOL!!!

(specially made this pichaa super big soo tat you can see mimi a whole lot clearer :"])

okayyy~ blogged alot liaw~ stop here~ byess :))

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