Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my photo =(

Yup~ i just got back my photo~ N i dislike it -.-

Its very weird ah! *i'm not gonna post the picture in here~ =p*

I wish i could take another one again then choose which one i want~ at least right? lol =p

I left 0 photos of myself~ cause a lot of people wants to exchange with me~ haizz....

I want KALLY de! but then i have no more photo to exchange with her le~ kasian~

I'm gonna ask her tomorrow if she can give me the picture instead of exchanging it~ HAHA =D

Wish she can lah! >.<

I really want one! In JSGX only her picture that i don't have~ >.< T.T

I must go n take one from her! =D Wish me luck for tomorrow ya! lol =p


Now currently playing Hotel City in facebook =D

actually i didn't touch it for a long time le~ but then now my older sister n younger one kept on playing so i play lu~

lol! =p

bz right now! >.< in playing my hotel city of course~ LOL!

gtg~ bye =D =p
Yesterday night, i was suppose to post something but then....

I can't cause i'm using my sister's laptop(first time lagi =D). my sister's laptop sometimes the connection sot sot de~ so i can't use lu =p

then i can't go in other websites too -.-

yesh! i finaly finish all the projects! =p

today i'm gonna pass up my last project~ then i'm free~ WOOTS! =D

I remember i said i change into a new layout in my plurk right?

Now i'm gonna change it again~ cause not really nice~n its  cause the layout is very blurr~

So i have to change it~ even though it's ryeowook de background~ T.T

LOL! =p

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

in the computer lab~ =D

I realize i put that title for umm....about 2-3 times le~ HAHA

But it's true bwa~ i'm really in the computer lab~ Then i don't noe what to put le except for"in the computer lab~" LOL =p

There's one stupid guy go n push the door(the door is lock de~)~ so loud ah! -.-

At least do it less loudly mah! -.-

Hate that guy! -.-although i don't noe who it is...HAHA =D

Now still finding my plurk's layout~ last time found some but then need to pay money de -.-

K i have to stop here le~ cause i need to do computer exercises~ teacher giving now~

bye bye! =D =p =]

Monday, June 28, 2010


Seems like these days i didn't post anything right? 

lol~ that's cause i have nothing to post bout......

did u guys notice that i sometimes put emotions as my title instead of words? thats because i don't noe what to put my title as what~ lol =D

hmm.....tomorrow i'm gonna have a class photo taking~ =D Wish it will be nice lah~ =p

i really hope so.....

now i'm finding some new plurk layouts cause i think my old one is kinda boring le~ so i wanna change it =p

but i don't noe where to find plurk layouts -.-


Tomorrow i'm not having English! YESH!!!! i noe ruby will say yesh too~ lol! =p

I love Tuesday cause i'm gonna have 2 periods of COMPUTER~ YEAH! =D

I hope cher will let us do our own things lah~ but then not very much hope in it~ cause i'm sure teacher will give us exercises to do~ then maybe he'll explain for a long time -.-

I wish he wouldn't though~ who wouldn't? LOL! nobody! =p

Saturday, June 26, 2010

heehee..... =D

Me, ying n my sister talk a lot! lol!

we took some pictures but then i think ying is gonna post that so i won't be posting those pictures than~ haha =p

I just upload my newest picture! ....actually it's pictures cause i uploaded two pictures~ LOL! =D

gonna post my newest pictures over here too!


nice mah? i like the second one more than the first one~ haha~ =p

Tomorrow night, which means it's gonna be on the 27 of June(Sunday), me n my family(this time including my older sister YESH!) gonna have a family dinner~ yeah! =D

lol! =p

I wanna take a lot of pictures! but then i think i'm not gonna de~ haha =p

tomorrow afternoon i'm also gonna go out to "The Mall" with my sisters(yes, sisters as in my twin sister ying n my older sister~) 

Of course i have to wait till after tuition~ i can't cannot go to tuition~ or else my parents will kill me~ lol! 

really! sometimes i think some of my friends very like.....have more freedom than us~(maybe not freedom lah~ i don't noe how to say =p) cause they can don't go to tuition if they don't want~ =p

But then going to tuition sometimes also fun de lah~ haha =p

I learn a lot of more english words in school~ 

i mean the pronounciation~

i learn that often have to say it as ofen~ very weird right? lol! =p

we always say thought = taught~

teacher told us that~ i also just realize~ haha! =p

lalala ♥♥ soo in the moodd! :pp


i'm sooo in the mood today~

tat's y i blog!


guess y? hahahah~

*guessing* *guessing*

can't guess dao lehhh

guess euu guys won't noe de lahh.. but then...

close frewwwnxx will definitely noe de lahhh~


it's because my JIE JIE came bak leee!


although i don't get the chance to be the first 1 to see her at the airport

cause her flight landed here at 9.30

and attt tat time i'm studying -.-'


i get to see her bak att home :pp

i even gave her a hug! hahahaha

here's the pichasss tat we took:

jie ying fang

jie ying fang

i noe i look ugly...

but hopex euu guys don't mind! :DD
tat's all for today~~

baixxzzaaa~ *wavexxx*

can't wait


I can't wait till my sister came back! she's coming back today! =D

Kasian ah! I have to go tuition at 1:00 so i can't go back n see my sister ASAP -.-

have to wait~ haizzz.....

Today i was suppose to have a counselling helping thingi[the peer-(don't noe how to spell)helpers]

It starts at 1 same as my tuition time so i can't go -.-

so kasian right? =p

but those can't spoil my mood! cause my sister is coming back! who won't be happy right?! =D

i can't wait, i can't wait, i can't wait, i can't wait!!!!


today i'm having art period~ hope don't have lah~ so i can go to the library.....if the teacher is willing to bring us of course~ HAHA =D another day i can't eat my lunch with my family~ yesterday also cannot cause i have tuition~ My tuition starts at 12 yesterday cause my school ended at 11:25 so i can't go home -.-

N also i can't stay back at school to play with my friends~

But then, in the tuition it's FUN also =D

gonna stop blogging now~ usual...i have nothing to blog bout le~ HAHA =D

bye! have a nice day ya! i noe i will~ =p

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I want to watch!

There's a new movie called "Harriet the spy, blog wars". 

It's going to show it in Disney Channel on Sunday (27-6-2010). At 7:30p.m~

I'm gonna watch! but then don't noe i'm gonna go out shopping or not......have to wait~

The Cast :
Jennifer Stone...Harriet Welsch

Kristin Booth...Golly

Wesley Morgan...Skander Hill

Doug Murray...Roger Welsch

Shauna MacDonald...Violetta Welsch

Jason Blicker...Sol

Jayne Eastwood...Ms. Elson
Melinda Shankar...Janie Gibbs

Alexander Conti...Sport
Vanessa Morgan...Marion Hawthorne

Aislinn Paul...Beth Ellen
Kiana Madeira...Rachel Hennessy
Madison Cipparone...Poppy Malone

Danny Smith...Tim

Craig Brown...Steven

Martin Roach...Alfred Cooper

Matthew Edison...Director
Anand Rajaram...Chef
Troy Liddell...Coach

Kristi Angus...Tiffany St. John

Adam Chuckryk...Preston St. John

Ishan Morris...TV Host (as Ish Morris)

Ann Turnbull...Ms. Finch

Peter Mooney...Lazaar
Adrianne Ho...Model #1
Daniela Pero...Model #2
Miles Faber...Dancer
Alicia Josipovic...Dancer

Dennis Long...Cafe Patron
LOL! i found that on google, so i just post it~ =p

I really wanna watch! I saw the preview last few days. N it seems like very exciting! but maybe not also~ LOL! =p