Monday, June 28, 2010


Seems like these days i didn't post anything right? 

lol~ that's cause i have nothing to post bout......

did u guys notice that i sometimes put emotions as my title instead of words? thats because i don't noe what to put my title as what~ lol =D

hmm.....tomorrow i'm gonna have a class photo taking~ =D Wish it will be nice lah~ =p

i really hope so.....

now i'm finding some new plurk layouts cause i think my old one is kinda boring le~ so i wanna change it =p

but i don't noe where to find plurk layouts -.-


Tomorrow i'm not having English! YESH!!!! i noe ruby will say yesh too~ lol! =p

I love Tuesday cause i'm gonna have 2 periods of COMPUTER~ YEAH! =D

I hope cher will let us do our own things lah~ but then not very much hope in it~ cause i'm sure teacher will give us exercises to do~ then maybe he'll explain for a long time -.-

I wish he wouldn't though~ who wouldn't? LOL! nobody! =p

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