Wednesday, June 30, 2010

my photo =(

Yup~ i just got back my photo~ N i dislike it -.-

Its very weird ah! *i'm not gonna post the picture in here~ =p*

I wish i could take another one again then choose which one i want~ at least right? lol =p

I left 0 photos of myself~ cause a lot of people wants to exchange with me~ haizz....

I want KALLY de! but then i have no more photo to exchange with her le~ kasian~

I'm gonna ask her tomorrow if she can give me the picture instead of exchanging it~ HAHA =D

Wish she can lah! >.<

I really want one! In JSGX only her picture that i don't have~ >.< T.T

I must go n take one from her! =D Wish me luck for tomorrow ya! lol =p


Now currently playing Hotel City in facebook =D

actually i didn't touch it for a long time le~ but then now my older sister n younger one kept on playing so i play lu~

lol! =p

bz right now! >.< in playing my hotel city of course~ LOL!

gtg~ bye =D =p

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