Thursday, July 1, 2010


My sister bought "down with love" for us to watch today! =D

finally leh~ i've been waiting to watch that movie for a long long time! >.<

some of the parts so damn funny ah! LOL! 

I want to watch more! but then we can't cause mummy don't let us watch~ so we'll have to wait till she goes out then only can we watch~ heehee....=D

I want to watch it now!!!!>.< :'-(


Today at school Y8B had P.E!

So damn tired ah! cause we have to run 8 times round the padang(feild) then after that.....we have to ran 600m, 3 times ah!

But then i only ran 2 times cause the lesson is almost ending so teacher have to stop le~ lucky leh~ :-D  but its not ONLY me~ also have other students =p

Now my legs hurt a lot ah! I can't move properly~ T.T

hey u noe guys! Today i just realize that a lot of my friends can stretch until touching there toes~ but i can't! >.< 

I wish i could! >.< 


Yeah! tomorrow mummy gonna cook her homemade Kuching Laksa for us to eat! (LOL)

although i have to wait till after tuition~ 

haizz....tomorrow have tuition lagi -.-

lazy to go leh~ but then going to that tuition is fun too~ =D =p

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