Thursday, June 14, 2012

#21moredays to start off with my post for today~ i want to say one thing first.....


i did it yesterday night and i finished it tonight~ which was just a while ago~ =p

i'm so happy! not because of that but because i wrote 831 words! it's a first u know? i've never wrote this much for my chinese composition! never in my life! D: that's why i'm so happy~ and i'm so proud of myself too~ =)

see! i wrote 2 full pages! i purposely used this effect so no one can see what i wrote~ HAHAHA! i need some privacy in my writings okie? =p *nonsense*

 to reward myself, i made a cup of hot milo! which i love! one of my favourite drinks of all~ although it's easy and simply to make~ =)

; my second cup of hot milo for today~ =)

i haven't been doing anything these days~ i hate holidays but i love 'em too~ i hate how i have nothing to do at home~ super bored! but i love how i can sleep till late mornings! although my latest can only be 10a.m 'cause i have to help out with my mother on house chores~ 

i painted my nails on the starting day of my holiday =)

is it ok? my mother said it was scary but after a few days,  asked her again and she said ok lah~ i don't know if it's out of annoyance of me asking or did she really think it's okie~ HAHAHA! =D

took some pictures these days~ =D
 mi mi's sun bathing! <3

 the super amazing BATMAN! <3 

and my cute Romeo! <3

i don't get the weather these days~ sometimes it's angry like the devil 

 and sometimes it smiles brightly like the angels 

didn't anyone of you noticed that?

ok i'm gonna end this post with a picture of me and my friends! because imma gonna continue reading Maid Sama! SO IN LOVE WITH THAT MANGA! <3

the sweetest couple! Usui-kun and Misaki-chan <3

; our friendship can never be broken 

left to right: sentjay, kingston, oh oh, cynthia, me, ying and rezel! <3

rezel didn't come that day cause she went back to her hometown to celebrate Gawai so yeah~ but she's one of my bestfriend too so i added her name even though she's not in the picture~ =) <3


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