Saturday, June 16, 2012

diet fail =x

i'm attempting to go on diet these days because i'm VERY VERY sure that i'll be eating A LOT *seriously* in the up coming July~ 

but i am failing immensely -.-

i've been going out for breakfast/lunch these days since it's our 2nd term holiday and mummy is lazy to cook so yeah~ we have to go out and have our meals~ 

i have been going out exercising but it's just walking for an hour~ not jogging nor running~ just walking~ that will take a lot of time in order to slim down but i hate running so that leads to walking only~ -_____-


but i have no choice! >.< my parents went out for dinner so i have to go out and eat~ furthermore, my brother can only drive to Seri so i can only eat Jolibee~ =(

speaking of going on diets~ Mimi also have to go on diet~ -____-

she's getting fatter 'haru-haru'! that means day by day in korean~ 

seriously! i don't think it's only just Mimi~ fei fei also have to do on diet! D: 

only my baby boyfriend doesn't have to~ =p he's big enough~ just the right size~ =) he needs to fight for territory too, so he have to eat a lot~ =p gain more energy~ =D 

i'm suddenly missing Jacob a lot! i hope he's doing fine~ ='( hope he finds a great owner who would take care of him and not feel annoy or anything~ =)

 Jacob and his cute stuff toy, curled up sleeping~ 

so cute isn't it? ='( i miss him dearly~ 


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