Saturday, June 23, 2012

coming soon !

yes! Super Junior's 6th album will be releasing soon! 

SM Entertainment stated, “Super Junior will be releasing their official 6th album ‘Sexy, Free & Single’ on July 1st at midnight on music sites like MelOn, Genie, and Naver Music.”

i can't wait! <3

i can't wait to know how their songs will be like this time

moreover, kangin won't be left out this time! but then, Ki Bum.....i don't think he's gonna be in this upcoming album~ again~ -.-

acting again i think~ 

anyways~ Eunhyuk's, Donghae's, LeeTeuk's and my husband's Ryeowook's has just released their first teaser photo and they don't look like what they usually are~ =)



i don't really like EunHyuk's teaser photo -____-



He looks like Xiah Junsu (whom i also like) in his new album Tarantallegra~ seriously! D:

my husband, Ryeowook

Saturday, June 16, 2012

diet fail =x

i'm attempting to go on diet these days because i'm VERY VERY sure that i'll be eating A LOT *seriously* in the up coming July~ 

but i am failing immensely -.-

i've been going out for breakfast/lunch these days since it's our 2nd term holiday and mummy is lazy to cook so yeah~ we have to go out and have our meals~ 

i have been going out exercising but it's just walking for an hour~ not jogging nor running~ just walking~ that will take a lot of time in order to slim down but i hate running so that leads to walking only~ -_____-


but i have no choice! >.< my parents went out for dinner so i have to go out and eat~ furthermore, my brother can only drive to Seri so i can only eat Jolibee~ =(

speaking of going on diets~ Mimi also have to go on diet~ -____-

she's getting fatter 'haru-haru'! that means day by day in korean~ 

seriously! i don't think it's only just Mimi~ fei fei also have to do on diet! D: 

only my baby boyfriend doesn't have to~ =p he's big enough~ just the right size~ =) he needs to fight for territory too, so he have to eat a lot~ =p gain more energy~ =D 

i'm suddenly missing Jacob a lot! i hope he's doing fine~ ='( hope he finds a great owner who would take care of him and not feel annoy or anything~ =)

 Jacob and his cute stuff toy, curled up sleeping~ 

so cute isn't it? ='( i miss him dearly~ 


Thursday, June 14, 2012

#21moredays to start off with my post for today~ i want to say one thing first.....


i did it yesterday night and i finished it tonight~ which was just a while ago~ =p

i'm so happy! not because of that but because i wrote 831 words! it's a first u know? i've never wrote this much for my chinese composition! never in my life! D: that's why i'm so happy~ and i'm so proud of myself too~ =)

see! i wrote 2 full pages! i purposely used this effect so no one can see what i wrote~ HAHAHA! i need some privacy in my writings okie? =p *nonsense*

 to reward myself, i made a cup of hot milo! which i love! one of my favourite drinks of all~ although it's easy and simply to make~ =)

; my second cup of hot milo for today~ =)

i haven't been doing anything these days~ i hate holidays but i love 'em too~ i hate how i have nothing to do at home~ super bored! but i love how i can sleep till late mornings! although my latest can only be 10a.m 'cause i have to help out with my mother on house chores~ 

i painted my nails on the starting day of my holiday =)

is it ok? my mother said it was scary but after a few days,  asked her again and she said ok lah~ i don't know if it's out of annoyance of me asking or did she really think it's okie~ HAHAHA! =D

took some pictures these days~ =D
 mi mi's sun bathing! <3

 the super amazing BATMAN! <3 

and my cute Romeo! <3

i don't get the weather these days~ sometimes it's angry like the devil 

 and sometimes it smiles brightly like the angels 

didn't anyone of you noticed that?

ok i'm gonna end this post with a picture of me and my friends! because imma gonna continue reading Maid Sama! SO IN LOVE WITH THAT MANGA! <3

the sweetest couple! Usui-kun and Misaki-chan <3

; our friendship can never be broken 

left to right: sentjay, kingston, oh oh, cynthia, me, ying and rezel! <3

rezel didn't come that day cause she went back to her hometown to celebrate Gawai so yeah~ but she's one of my bestfriend too so i added her name even though she's not in the picture~ =) <3


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just have a little fun :3

Happy holidays! Yea it's just for a week but who cares! We get to relax for a week! Yay! :3

CHMS funfair is on this Sunday! Everyone's invite soo if you can make it, don't miss it! :)

I won't guaranty that it'll be extremely fun since I haven't been to this one but a little hang out with your friends there would also be fun :)

Parents day today~ was not soo nervous about it since I already know that I wouldn't disappoint myy parents this time and who knows! Myy parents are actually quite happy with myy results :)

First good news for that and now the second good news.

I've finally tried "cupcake nail art" on myy twin sister's finger and it's a HUGE success (Y) (soo proud of myy self) haha

Although I do not know if you could see this with your eyes but it's the only picture I have in here :') I'm truly sorry if you couldn't see the little cute 3D cupcakes :)