Monday, May 21, 2012

[ shoot anonymous,anonymous ][ heartless ][ mindless ][ no one to care about me ]

yeah! exams is over~ kinda easy for some of it since i studied 1 week earlier before exams~ HAHAHA! i'm so glad!

oh ya~ did anyone know that i visited siongwei last time? guess ying didn't post about it~ anyways~ it was kinda fun! but then we're kinda like a little awkward~ since i didn't talk much to him at school but nyeh~ he's still my friend so i have to visit him~ =p

we took some pictures with him! and of course some of my girl friends~ =D

 I stayed longer than i thought i would stay~ LOL! i hope he's gonna get well soon! VERY SOON! =D

oh ya! also! i got my jacket already! the one that i did with my classmates~ love it! <3

although it's kinda big but i like it~ i purposely choose a bigger size~ =D



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