Tuesday, May 22, 2012


it's a holiday for us combine science students today~ 

such a happy day! 

they better let us have our holiday after what we did~ -wrecking our brains for 1 week, late night sleeps and early waking hours to study. study. study-

had headache for the past 1 week~ but i need to just bear with it~ it's mid year~ -.-

anyways~ back to what i'm talking about~ TODAY!

me, thia, ying and zel decided to go to The Mall since it's not gonna be crowded with LOTS of people and the cinema won't be booked~ so we went to watch AVENGERS!  

i can only describe one word for that movie~ AMAZING!!!!!

best movie for 2012~ no i think, for me, it's the best action movie ever! me saying that it's the best action movie ever is already over the edge~ i don't really like action movies~ i think? HAHAHA! 

my most fav character in the movie is non-other than....guess who?

it's HAWKEYE! and MR.STARK! 

HAWKEYE is just so attrative! D: don't forget cool too! i love how he's so good with his arrows~ =D *faints*

MR.STARK is such a comedian! he's so funny! =D *faintsagain*

really~ u can't miss watching AVENGERS! THE BEST YO! <3 


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