Saturday, May 19, 2012

Twinkle twinkle ✨✨

Exams is easy? No true but not false

Exams is over? Soo false

Exams is coming to an end? Soo true! One more day and it's freedom to me!

Nothing to worry about at the mean time while I enjoy life :) except for the fact that myy papers will be back soon! ><

Every subject was okay to me except for myy languages! Sigh .. What would we do without language and yet myy languages are the worst ...

Chinese? Can only get a pass.. BM? This time it's really hard! And English... Well I haven't had English yet so that doesn't count :)

Ain't gonna prepare anything for Monday since its just English and POA 1 soo I might as well sit back and relax at the mean time :3

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