Sunday, May 27, 2012

those who love you for who you are

have been catching up on American Idol as much as i can.

can't wait for the result since both top 2s was soo awsome :)

Jessica Sanchez vs Phillip Phillips

Phillip Phillips,


Jessica Sanchez,

results are out and Phillip won! well~ both of them are great :) i think both of them should get #1 :p

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


it's a holiday for us combine science students today~ 

such a happy day! 

they better let us have our holiday after what we did~ -wrecking our brains for 1 week, late night sleeps and early waking hours to study. study. study-

had headache for the past 1 week~ but i need to just bear with it~ it's mid year~ -.-

anyways~ back to what i'm talking about~ TODAY!

me, thia, ying and zel decided to go to The Mall since it's not gonna be crowded with LOTS of people and the cinema won't be booked~ so we went to watch AVENGERS!  

i can only describe one word for that movie~ AMAZING!!!!!

best movie for 2012~ no i think, for me, it's the best action movie ever! me saying that it's the best action movie ever is already over the edge~ i don't really like action movies~ i think? HAHAHA! 

my most fav character in the movie is non-other than....guess who?

it's HAWKEYE! and MR.STARK! 

HAWKEYE is just so attrative! D: don't forget cool too! i love how he's so good with his arrows~ =D *faints*

MR.STARK is such a comedian! he's so funny! =D *faintsagain*

really~ u can't miss watching AVENGERS! THE BEST YO! <3 


Monday, May 21, 2012

[ shoot anonymous,anonymous ][ heartless ][ mindless ][ no one to care about me ]

yeah! exams is over~ kinda easy for some of it since i studied 1 week earlier before exams~ HAHAHA! i'm so glad!

oh ya~ did anyone know that i visited siongwei last time? guess ying didn't post about it~ anyways~ it was kinda fun! but then we're kinda like a little awkward~ since i didn't talk much to him at school but nyeh~ he's still my friend so i have to visit him~ =p

we took some pictures with him! and of course some of my girl friends~ =D

 I stayed longer than i thought i would stay~ LOL! i hope he's gonna get well soon! VERY SOON! =D

oh ya! also! i got my jacket already! the one that i did with my classmates~ love it! <3

although it's kinda big but i like it~ i purposely choose a bigger size~ =D



Saturday, May 19, 2012

Twinkle twinkle ✨✨

Exams is easy? No true but not false

Exams is over? Soo false

Exams is coming to an end? Soo true! One more day and it's freedom to me!

Nothing to worry about at the mean time while I enjoy life :) except for the fact that myy papers will be back soon! ><

Every subject was okay to me except for myy languages! Sigh .. What would we do without language and yet myy languages are the worst ...

Chinese? Can only get a pass.. BM? This time it's really hard! And English... Well I haven't had English yet so that doesn't count :)

Ain't gonna prepare anything for Monday since its just English and POA 1 soo I might as well sit back and relax at the mean time :3

Friday, May 11, 2012

Good luck to all :)

Loving this new blog skin! It's soo pretty and awesome (Y)

Thanks jie! The but outline was soo nice! (Y) never knew that black would be this nice too :D hahahha

2 more days to exams! 'important exam' that I HAVE to get great marks to go in July! Hope I'm prepared since I started revising it one week early! #crossmyfingers! :D

Wish me much x' :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

; sometimes getting straight to the point is better than talking nonsense

Having mid year exams now~ #veryimportant

Gonna be on hiatus from now on until I don't know when~ #BYE! <3 =)