Thursday, April 19, 2012

i'd like to put a simle on ur face everybody

had a lot of fun today in tuition~

we basically did nothing~ HAHAHAHA! i don't know why though

cher didn't give us any works to do....just asked us to finish what we haven't done last monday~ which was just 1 question~ 

we played CLUEDO after finish our 1-question-work~ LOL! 

thia is so good in it! my gosh! like pro ah! >.< can't beat her in CLUEDO~ =(

then cher suddenly came in and asked us whether we wanted coffee, tea , or me?

lol! just kidding there's no 'me' ~ just coffee or tea ~ asking us to make it ourselves~ 

we willingly did it cause cher's letting us~ =D everybody was being silly in the kitchen~ so funny! no space to move around~ HAHAHAHA!

teacher let us toast bread too! i didn't eat any though~ i'm on diet~ =p

oh ya! my english teacher asked us to do a speech IN FRONT of my classmates! 

my gosh! i hate it! i don't like having people staring at me and giving me their full attention! eish! i don't want!

but it's worth 20 marks! how can i not do it? i don't want to lose my 20 marks just like that! >.< it's not worth it......

i'm preparing some of it now~ imma gonna go google searching~ then tomorrow imma gonna ask my sister for advices~ HEEHEE! <3



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