Saturday, April 14, 2012


went to Gadong's Excapade today~ 'cause karsoon invited us over for a belated birthday party~ and it was kinda fun~ =D

especially hanging out with ying, thia, xuan and kally times~ we went to The Mall~ 

walked around doing nothing though~ -_____-

there's nothing to do in The Mall~ it sucks! -______ - i don't know why a lot of people likes going there~ i don't know why i go there too~ -.- maybe cause it's nearer to my house? and also maybe 'cause there's no other shopping centre that's fun-er than The Mall~ it's not that fun.....just.....i don't know why too~ -.-

we went to JoyLand~ but came out with empty hands~ bought nothing 'cause there's nothing to buy~ nothing special~ =(

we went mall earlier than the other guys and gals but we didn't see any of them after some time in the mall~ maybe they didn't come the mall anymore~ o.o or maybe they went cyber to play maple, tetris or something else~ -.-

they are so into tetris and i have no idea why~ D: is tetris that much fun? u're just placing different shapes of blocks into a pattern then they'll 'poof', gone~ how can it be fun? 

 sometimes i just don't get some guys..... 

9:30p.m, parents came and pick us up~ went back home and brushed my teeth~ and walah! i'm here blogging~ i'm such a good girl to spare my time from watching movie and coming here to blog about nothing special~ HAHAHAHA!

oh ya! i'm so into a comedy movie these days! one of my best friend suggested this movie to me! it's called '2 broke girls' it's damn funny! although i didn't laugh much 'cause sometimes it's funny, but i don't laugh~ -_____- i have a bad laughing taste okie? and also sometimes i just don't get what they're talking about.....=D 


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