Sunday, April 29, 2012

nae show opera


Hi dudes, I'm here to vandalize your blog *dramatic arm-wave*.

Do you both like your header? I actually wanted to do a more complicated design, but I got lazy towards the end. Too much effort! I'll see if I'm in the mood to continue editing tomorrow. If not, this will have to do! =)

Anywayyyy, since I'm in already I might as well drop a few words and try to beautify your blog. Your posts looks so pathetically empty and lifeless!

Cannot wait for the full version to come out! Opera is my FAVOURITE track off their Mr. Simple album (in fact it might be my favourtie Suju song EVER), and although the Japanese version sounds a little weird, I still really like it! Their costumes are exactly what I pictured they should be wearing, very Phantom of the Opera-esque; the masks and capes make them look really myterious and sexy.

The props and sets are really well-done too, although I would have liked some sort of storyline to the video. Something Victorian era-ish, or maybe even a vampire-type concept? Something like a Shakespearian play where there's love, tragedy and blood (must have blood!) For example they all duel and kill each other over one girl! And they should get Victoria to play the female lead! I should pitch this idea to SM haha. And because I'm Sungmin-bias, I would of course want Minnie to be the ultimate victor TEEHEE.

Ryeowook looks really good in white and his hair really compliments his features here! He should keep his fringe like this all the time, it tones down the harshness of his cheekbones and makes his eyes look even more soulful and electrifying. He doesn't look as good with his hair swept upwards ala chicken style lolol.

Kyuhyun is super charismatic as usual. But I'd have to say, in this MV, Siwon, Wookie and Eunhyuk looks the best. The rest are pretty cool as well, but those three really stood out.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Mentalist

I'm currently downloading The Mentalist to watch~ sister said it's NICE! 

didn't really have any interest in it at first 'cause i didn't thought that i could download it from the internet~ -______- but then ever since i saw it playing in FOX(channel 710) then i suddenly thought the idea of downloading it from the internet~ stupid me~ HAHAHAHA!

okie, my Mid Year is coming up soon~ meaning i'm gonna be on hiatus again~ not that there's any difference when i don't have any exams right? LOL! it's starting next month which is just days to go~ it's starting on the 5th of May~ kinda wishing that Mid Year would be over in a blink of an eye~ then after finishing, my second term holiday will be coming then JULY! i can't wait for JULY for a certain reason~ =p 

i want the time to pass by quickly! >.< 

anyways~ didn't i mention that i'll be having a public speech in front of my classmates? and it went........???? nothing~ teacher forgotten that she wanted to give us a public speech~ wasted a lot of my time in preparing this speech but in the end, cher didn't even do it~ -_____- i was so freakin' nervous over nothing too~ -______- I didn't remind my teacher 'cause my friends asked me too and also because i'm kinda afraid to perform my speech in front of my classmates~ >.O

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love it to the MAX! <3 wookie u are so hot here! and everyone else~ but wookie is my husband so he is the hottest! HAHAHAHA! <3

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is loading this now~ sister said it's kinda nice~ so imma gonna listen to it~ =p

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Vanness and Junho had a duet! <3 Junho from 2PM sang chinese! woots! <3  NICE SONG! <3


Thursday, April 19, 2012

i'd like to put a simle on ur face everybody

had a lot of fun today in tuition~

we basically did nothing~ HAHAHAHA! i don't know why though

cher didn't give us any works to do....just asked us to finish what we haven't done last monday~ which was just 1 question~ 

we played CLUEDO after finish our 1-question-work~ LOL! 

thia is so good in it! my gosh! like pro ah! >.< can't beat her in CLUEDO~ =(

then cher suddenly came in and asked us whether we wanted coffee, tea , or me?

lol! just kidding there's no 'me' ~ just coffee or tea ~ asking us to make it ourselves~ 

we willingly did it cause cher's letting us~ =D everybody was being silly in the kitchen~ so funny! no space to move around~ HAHAHAHA!

teacher let us toast bread too! i didn't eat any though~ i'm on diet~ =p

oh ya! my english teacher asked us to do a speech IN FRONT of my classmates! 

my gosh! i hate it! i don't like having people staring at me and giving me their full attention! eish! i don't want!

but it's worth 20 marks! how can i not do it? i don't want to lose my 20 marks just like that! >.< it's not worth it......

i'm preparing some of it now~ imma gonna go google searching~ then tomorrow imma gonna ask my sister for advices~ HEEHEE! <3



Saturday, April 14, 2012


went to Gadong's Excapade today~ 'cause karsoon invited us over for a belated birthday party~ and it was kinda fun~ =D

especially hanging out with ying, thia, xuan and kally times~ we went to The Mall~ 

walked around doing nothing though~ -_____-

there's nothing to do in The Mall~ it sucks! -______ - i don't know why a lot of people likes going there~ i don't know why i go there too~ -.- maybe cause it's nearer to my house? and also maybe 'cause there's no other shopping centre that's fun-er than The Mall~ it's not that fun.....just.....i don't know why too~ -.-

we went to JoyLand~ but came out with empty hands~ bought nothing 'cause there's nothing to buy~ nothing special~ =(

we went mall earlier than the other guys and gals but we didn't see any of them after some time in the mall~ maybe they didn't come the mall anymore~ o.o or maybe they went cyber to play maple, tetris or something else~ -.-

they are so into tetris and i have no idea why~ D: is tetris that much fun? u're just placing different shapes of blocks into a pattern then they'll 'poof', gone~ how can it be fun? 

 sometimes i just don't get some guys..... 

9:30p.m, parents came and pick us up~ went back home and brushed my teeth~ and walah! i'm here blogging~ i'm such a good girl to spare my time from watching movie and coming here to blog about nothing special~ HAHAHAHA!

oh ya! i'm so into a comedy movie these days! one of my best friend suggested this movie to me! it's called '2 broke girls' it's damn funny! although i didn't laugh much 'cause sometimes it's funny, but i don't laugh~ -_____- i have a bad laughing taste okie? and also sometimes i just don't get what they're talking about.....=D 


everyone cares

a BIG shoutout to myy friend!

get well soon siongwei! everyone's soo worried about you... :"( seriously...

lots has happen lately... test 1 was okayyy.. but im not really happy with myy results ==" i expected a much better results but nahh.. i wasn't good enough and sooo i had an okay result onlyyyy..~

awwwwell~ i'll do better in mid-year .. if possibly... 

heard from bio teacher that mid-year's paper gonna be real HARD! all of year 9 and 4 chapters of year 10! omegosh! 

add the amount and i'll have ta study around 10++ chapter! might as well start memorizing now since mid-year is a MONTH AWAY!? O_O!

kays that's all from me :) anneyeong!