Saturday, February 18, 2012

ello! =p

hello! after i-don't-know-how-many months/days of not blogging i'm finally blogging now! yeah! -____-

 i'm so lazy to blog these few....months~ i don't know why~ i just got that feeling~ maybe 'cause there's nothing interesting to blog about~ -.- 

i have some interesting ones! but they are too personally so yeah~ i can't blog about it~ =p

oh ya! i'm having marching practices these few days~ for my country's National Day~ 

OMG! i'm always under the sun! i'm getting darker skin tones now! NO! 

it's not like i didn't out on sun block ya~ but i don't know why that sun block isn't preventing from getting darker skin tones! D: joelle said that it's because sun block doesn't help prevent that~ only helps in preventing from getting sun burns....NO! where can i get sun block that prevents from getting darker skin tones?! WHERE!?

lol! i seemed crazy over there~ HAHAHAHAHA! but even if there is a sun block like that, i don't need it no more~ cause i just need to march for 3 more days~ -____-

aww man....i'm gonna miss marching~ *marching* not *getting darker skin tones part*~ haiss~ after all these practicing, imma gonna have to go back studying 24/7~ -.-

i'll go crazy! HAHAHAHAHA! 



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