Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

It's Chinese New Year right now! it already has been for about 1 week plus~ heehee!

and it's ending soon! boo! the last day of CNY is on Monday~ so there's gonna be a public holiday~ yeah for public holiday! but boo for the end of CNY! >.<
just now went to my neighbour's house for CNY open house~ went there, ate their food then went back cause my mother needed to go for her line dance thingi~ LOL! =p

my friends are coming to my house tomorrow for CNY too! yeah! i only invited some though~ cause my mother ain't gonna prepare much~ she kept on reminding me to tell my friends to eat their lunch first before coming to our house~ =p
i don't know what we're gonna do but hey~ they're my friends so they can entertain themselves~ that is what i hope for~ =p but i think they will! =D

i suggested for sentjay to bring his 'OWN' laptop here and he said ok! but then i don't know if he'll remember it or not....-.-
i hope he do! =D

i'm sure we're gonna play WII~ then talk talk talk~ then play again~ i don't know lah~ HAHAHAHAHA! =D
hope ston won't blackmail me with something that happened today~ LOL! =D but maybe he won't~ =p he's my bestfriend! HEEHEE! =p

n some of my other friends too who are coming tomorrow~ =p
i'm sure it'll be fun! i mean ston is coming~ why won't it be? =D

i'm not sure who confirmed to come eh~ ......OMG! i should go ask them! or maybe not? cause ying asked already~ m'kay i won't ask! =p
imma downloading We Got Married TeukSo Couple Episode 16 now~ so imma gonna go back downloading~ BYE! <3


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