Sunday, February 26, 2012

; never receive expensive stuffs from people even from your friends, you never know what they would want in return

i'm having the not-so-into-blogging feeling these few months~ -____-

that's why i am not blogging a lot now....~ but i'm starting to want to blog now! i don't have that feeling already! i think? or maybe i still have~ -______-

yesterday went to Xuan's house for her advance birthday party! =p had a lot of fun! 

me, ying and thia become spies last night for elle! HAHAHAHAHA! it was damn fun! whenever 'something' happened, we'll call elle to update her~ so funny lah! =D

we had walks around xuan's neighbourhood too~ it was dark but there's street lights so it's okie~ =p i didn't bring my camera out with me so i didn't get any pictures for this post~ *aww man*

but even if i did, the pictures are gonna be so blurr~ yeah~ my camera ain't that good k? =p 

i reached xuan's house at around 6:45p.m-ish? then went back at 10:00p.m~ i seems so long~ but it felt so fast~ get what i mean? =p

anyways~ i've finish watching Secret Garden! i cried my ass off at the last few episodes but then felt so happy too at the last few episode~ HAHAHAHA! i know you don't get what i meant but if you watch it, you'll get what i meant~ LOL! =D

imma downloading Heartstring now! i can't wait to watch! xuan said it's nice (Y) so that's why i can't wait~ HEEHEE! 



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