Sunday, December 18, 2011

a sweet holiday in KK (first day)

SURPRISE! am bloggging.... (again) since the other blogger might be busy with another blog post~ soo yeaa am helping her out with blogging about this sweet holiday i had in KK! HEHE

and i mean sweet and awesome!

first day,

woke up early early early in the morning around 6 ++ ( it's early for me since it's holiday) 

before that most of us had a bad night since our cat "queen mimi" have been bugging into other cat's business and she chased the look-a-like-siamese-cat up to our roof top and started meowing like crazy =="

i didn't even move from myy bed since i was afraid that i wouldn't be able to get myy beauty sleep back soo F and ko did all the scaring :)

this is the noisy cat . we helped her get down since it doesn't noe how =="

and of we go! traveled most of the day actually since the distant from here to KK is like seriously long + our transport is by car :) 

we're used to it anyway so there was nothing shocking about it :) 

when we finally reached there one thing we do immediately is to have our lunch! it's already pass 2 i think and it was around 3 soo obviously we were super hungry :x 

our lunch for the day is "shen rou mian" HEHE . we wouldn't missed it because for us that is KK's specialty :D besides that , soup comes together which is myy utmost favourite! HEHE they taste delicous (Y)

shen rou mian

soup ( i dunno the actual name :p ) 

later that night we had a wedding dinner :) daddy's friend got married :) HEHE they look pretty awesome :D especially the gurl! she looks soooo pretty but real skinny 

main married couples are right in the middle :D soo awesome :)

the bride <3 she looks soo beautiful -^^- (beside her in white dress is her bridesmaid , she looks beautiful too :D)

 their designs inside is like really pretty! white and red :)

the stage design
The really large cake which resembles their love from when they are shy to real open to each other (bottom to top)
their food there is delicious :) they serve expensive dishes like shark fin soup! although it ain't good but i really like the taste of it :D

in the end,

we went home with a rose in each of us ladies hands given buy a pretty hawt waiter HA-HA 

-to be continue-

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