Thursday, December 15, 2011

He kneels to the ground and pulls out a ring and said marry me Juliet, you'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know

sorry for not updating for....umm....quite some time~ LOL! =D

i went to Malaysia for my vacation since it's a December~ HEEHEE! =D

actually, my parents planned to go Mukah but then it's gonna take about 8 hours+ to reach there from Brunei and my mother hates long rides so we stop by places on the way~ =p which is Bintulu and Sibu~ =D

at Bintulu.....nothing much happened~ 

we reached the hotel after umm...i think 4 hours+ drive~ we were freakishly tired~ just sitting in the car and stopping for a while every now and then to stretch our legs so that our legs won't feel worn out or anything from sitting too long~

when we reached there, our rooms weren't ready for us yet so we had 5 free drinks from their umm...cafeteria? no, i'm sure it's not 'cafeteria'....i don't know what it's call~ nvm! =D

anyways~ my brother and i had fruit punch and ying, my father and my mother had ice lemon tea~ *it's the only 2 drinks we can get~ the others we have to buy it~ -.- * while we're drinking our free drinks~ my mother used her ipad, ying used my mother's iphone~ and my brother is using his own phone~ it's like everybody is doing their own stuffs and i had nothing to do~ -.- what about my dad? he went to the toilet i think? 

i was like....everybody is using electronics stuffs~ -.- and thinking electronics really do can ruin our social lives~ LOL! =D

after that we went up to our rooms and prepare then went out for umm...late lunch~ then came back and had our bath then went out for dinner~ =D


we used my dad's car again~ duh? had a 2 hours+ drive to Sibu~ 

since i was SO bored~ i took some vain pictures with my sister! =D

Sibu isn't that fun lorh~ i don't really like that place~ since i've mentioned it why i don't really like Sibu in my i-don't-know which post so i'm not gonna say it again~

i have nothing to say for Sibu~ i didn't really did anything fun? oh ya! i did went to Sibu's night market! but i didn't really did anything there too~ so yeah~ there's a lot of food there though! but i don't know the appetite to eat anymore food cause me and my family just had our dinner~ LOL! =D


 had a 2 hours+ ride again to Mukah! 

final destination! =D

i love Mukah! it's such a peaceful place! not crowded or anything~ just peace and quiet~ it kinda resembles Kelantan~ =D i love Kelantan too! HEEHEE! 

i had a lot of fun in Mukah~ =D

stayed at a hotel named: Kingwood Hotel, Mukah

i love that hotel too! =D

 when we reached Mukah~ we had our lunch first before going to our hotel~ 

after lunch and reaching our hotel and going up to our rooms~ we freshen up a little bit then went to meet up with my cousins, who is currently living there to work~ his wife and son went to visit him at the same time so yeah~ =D
we talk in my uncle's home for a while then after that we went back to our hotel cause we have to get ready to meet up again for dinner~ =D

we went to a nice restaurant~ the foods are delicious~ =D but the only problem is~ we waited for more than half an hour for our food! -.- we went at around 7:00p.m+ but only finish at almost 9:00p.m+~ u can guess how long is that~ luckily we're not busy or rushing to another place or anything else~ LOL! =p

then we went back cause we're worn out~

the next day, we went to my father's friend house! it's a long house! yeah~ he's an Iban! =D

it's my first time going to a long house~ i've never seen a long house before! =D

 took a vain picture with ying when we was on our way to the long house~ =D


  this is my father's sister's daugther's daugther and son! they are just SO CUTE! HAHAHAHAHAHA! =D especially her son! =D he is damn cute! =D

after that~ my father's friend's daughter belanja-ed us to coconut juice! it's tasty! super tasty! =D 

a coconut juice fan here yo! =D <3

took a picture with the head of the long house too! which is my father's friend's father~ =D


after that.....i've forgotten what we did in the! anyways~ skip then since i've forgotten bout it~ i'll just talk bout at dinner time! =D

we went to a nice restaurant again~ =D

foods are delicious~ ALL are delicious except for one......sago worm....

that is so damn disgusting! worms u know?!


they cooked it and then my mother asked the waiter to serve it as the last plate to arrive cause if it were to be serve as the first plate, we (me, ying and my mother) wouldn't have any appetite to eat anything~

this is the before it's been cooked picture:

and this is the after it's been cooked picture:

so disgusting ain't it? now i don't know if i want to eat my lunch or not.....>.<

anyways~ this is what happened during my vacation~ hope u guys enjoy it? 


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