Tuesday, December 13, 2011

face the truth so we could make it throungh

surprisingly im blogging now since im soo busy downloading some awesome songs sang by one direction~ i just looked up on them and saw that they're quite handsome lol!?

was actually waiting for the other blogger to blog but since she ain't blogging yet i might as well blog about something i bought that i rreally really like seriously love it! HEHE :D

TADAHH!! see how awesome it is? it's an instant cam! and it's in pink WHICH is myy favourite colour :p

you guys should know about that if you guys have been keeping up with myy blog :) since everything i like is in pink :p even this pink word is in pink~ LOLS :3

one thing that ain't to myy liking is that the film for this cam is like seriously e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e =.=" RM33! around $BN13++ 0.0! #gasps

heard that ebay sells cheaper soo am asking jie to help me buy~ HEHE :D

took about 4 pictures already with one failed.. wasted ><"" didn't read the manual correctly #sigh

but the other 3 i saved it neatly in .. ermm.. some other place :) one is in myy purse which is the one you see on top of the cam :)

wait! did i mention who bought it?! mommy did! it's surprising when mommy said she'll buy us one! HAHA

anywaysss! thanks mommy! <3 HEHE :D saranghaeyo! <3

see i posted a post since like last month or something? be proud~ MWAHAHA :D

bwuay bwuay :p

i cut myy hair!

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