Wednesday, December 7, 2011

home sweet home! <3

is back in my sweet house! woots!

i miss my bed so much! i miss my toilet so much! i miss my mum's cooking so much! i can't believe what i'm about to say but i miss exercising so much too! LOL! =D

i haven't been exercising a lot! i ish getting fatter! no! >.<

have to go on diet now! =p

i'm happy i'm back in my sweet home~ but......there's nothing to do....D:

i got up, not so early in the morning, at about 9:00a.m+ ~ then i had my breakfast~ guess what i had? MEE GORENG! LOL! =D

After breakfast~ i helped my mother in hanging up clothes to dry~ a lot of clothes! 5 days of non wash clothes~ u can guess how many is that~ o.o

then my brother asked me to help him in plucking out all those petai~ =p

after that i cleaned 2 rooms of toilets~ =D

*oh! the chinese newspaper is here!*

sorry got distracted there! anyways! =D

so now i'm here currently blogging bout me doing nothing~ i got bored tweeting and facebook-ing~ nothing to do~ don't feel like tweeting or chatting with my friends cause the only one that is currently online-ing now is only my ,kind of, best friend sentjay~ but he kept on tweeting bout him having what for lunch~ -.- =p

since i got bored with all those i went to play with my baby boyfriend~ =D <3

he kept wanting to come into the house but my mother wouldn't let him so he's outside~ but then now that my mother is not downstairs and is in her room, i let my baby boyfriend inside~ HEEHEE! =D

omo! my mum's ipad low batt liaw! have to get it charge now! BYE! <3

pictures: me vaining , my baby boyfriend ROMEO and petai! =p

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