Monday, December 5, 2011

Bintulu - Sibu - Mukah

on the 2nd of Dec i went to Bintulu~ =D nothing much there~ but i like the hotel though! LOL! =D there's swimming pool! but then it keeps raining these days so we cannot go swimming~ -____-

then on the 3rd of Dec my father drive us to Sibu~ =p we lived in a near-street hotel~ i don't really like Sibu though~ cause it's like dangerous? i have the feeling that it's dangerous~ then it's like packed with peoples! there's so many people! i hate crowded places~ -.- and also there's nothing to do there~ -.- the hotel sucks too~ -.- the elevator is so small! it can only fit 5-8 people in it~ -.-

now i'm in another hotel called the Kingwood Hotel in Mukah~ its so much better than the one in Sibu! =D although my dad says the things are not that better than the ones like yesterday~ but i still prefer this hotel than the last ones~ =p it's also because there's not much people living in Mukah though~ LOL! it's so peaceful~ HEEHEE~ =p

okie~ i have no photos to share with u guys since i'm using my mum's ipad to blog~ so yeah~ i'm gonna end here~i have to shower now too~ later have to go out and eat dinner with my cousins! =D yes~ one of my cousins are currently living in Mukah~ =p BYE! <3


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