Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i see sparks fly whenever you smile


day two,

nothing much on day twoo~ we just shop like crazy going into each and every shop in the mall :D

they have Christmas feel there playing Christmas songs and decorate Christmas decors while Brunei? pfftt nothing ==" i don't feel like it's almost Christmas even thought they play the Christmas song... mommy said it's because most ppl in KK are Christian? .__.

one thing that's definitely awesome is that i bought the instant cam as you guys should have know~ 

later that night,

daddy bought us to myy second fav place in KK! a chinese res actually~ :))

heyy! they have really really nicee coconut pudding okayy~ and it's actually from a coconut! that's why i suggest daddy that we go there :p miss their coconut pudding like soo freakin much! :D

looks delicious ain't it? HEHE

we also tasted a new dish :) oyster with cheese on top!! :D

actually im not an oyster-lover but since there's cheese~ i tried! since im a cheese-lover~ mwahahah :p

looks and taste delicioussss :D #drools

that's all for the night since mommy's leg ain't feeling well due to us shopaholic and so we all retired to our own rooms and called it a day :)

The next day,

it's just like the first day, except we went to gaya(?) market in the morning! :) it's just like a morning market~

i love that place :) it's filled with different and unique stuff plus there's pets there! HAHA they look soo freakin cute too!! :D

well, i'll end here then~ enjoyed my post? hope so :)

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