Thursday, December 22, 2011

steam bot in raining days!

mummy prepared steam bot today since it's the day where Chinese eat Tang Yuan! =D

i don't like to eat tang yuan though~ there's 2 reason for that~ first was because i HATE the taste of the soup~ i don't like the ginger taste~ yuck! but ying likes it a lot~ -_____- second was because i don't like to eat the tang yuan thingi~ 

HAHAHAHAHAHA! so basically, i hate eating tang yuan~ LOL! =p

we didn't just made tang yuan this year though~ we also made kuih ondeh-ondeh! it's a malay kind of kuih~ it's nice you know? you can use the left over tang yuan, which you can buy from the Gadong fish market, and make it! put some gula melaka in the middle and boil it~ after that you'll need to deep it into freshly grind coconut! =D

it's delicious! first time making it! HEEHEE!

oh ya! where was i? umm....steam bot! steam bot was as usual~ mummy prepared it so we don't have to go out and waste so much money on eating steam bot~ it's delicious! i ate till i can't get up~ -.- lol! kidding! but i'm superbly full~ now, 10:10p.m, i'm still full ya know? >.<

1st picture: before cooking tang yuan
2nd picture: after cooking tang yuan with the soup
3rd picture: kuih ondeh-ondeh! =D

nah~ it's not coffee~ i'm having milo now! HEEHEE! =D 

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