Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hair cut! <3

Yeah! Later on i'm getting my hair cut! i can't wait for it! i've been dying for it~ why? because my fringe is starting to get annoying~ it keeps poking on my eyes whenever it had the chance~ -___-

i'm getting my back hair cut too! it's so long already~ my sister even commented about it a few days ago~ o.o

my mother told me before that if it gets any longer, u won't be as healthy as anyone with short hairs cause our hair would take away all the proteins it needed~ i don't know if it true but i'm believing on that~ =p

i took some photos of my long hair~ before later going to the salon~ =D HEEHEE! <3

one of the picture is to show u how long my fringe is~ another is how long my back hair is and one of it is to show my new painted finger nails! =D its base colour is red with crack nails on top~ LOL! =D

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