Tuesday, November 29, 2011

result sheet!

got back my result sheets for the year 2011 today~

ain't really happy at first cause ying got first place and i got second place~ it's not bout me MUST have first place thingy though it's cause i don't like people saying me 'u're older than her leh! y did u get second and she got first? ' yeah~ something like that~

i also thought, y did i get lower marks than my sister, why didn't i get higher k? but i can't help it~ -.-

i'll try my best next year k? like REALLY try!
i'm gonna challenge someone~ i don't like that person always show-offing her marks getting so high so i'm gonna try my best and get higher than that person so that person couldn't go around show-offing! =p

yeah~ i know i'm mean at that but i really hate it when that person did that!

like can don't?

anyways~ no mean stuff! have to talk bout my results~  since this title is "RESULT SHEET!"

in the early morning my form teacher came and asked me and my sister to go hall cause we have to go up stage and get JUST A PIECE OF PAPER because we got 1st and 2nd place~ but at least it's better than nothing~ aaron got third place in class but he didn't come so cherng have to take his place~ =p

luckily grink and chan chan got go or else i'll be real boring~ -____-

we took some vain pictures when we were all sitting *separated* from all our other friends~ =D but then it's all in cherng and grink's ipod touch~ >.O

so i can't upload any~ oh wells~ 

now i'll let u see my cert' for getting 2nd place~ =p

p/s: i don't wanna show u guys my results so i'm not gonna upload it~ HEEHEE! =D <3

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