Sunday, November 27, 2011

I just realize that i have never regretted it

bwuay bwuay 14 hellooowww 15! andweh! ><"

some might think it's awesome getting older and older each day but some might think it's the most un-awesomest thing ever! and believe it or not~ im on the "but" side~ #sigh

i wanna stay young forever! (and if i die young, bury(?) me in summer) [just randomly playing around with lyrics] :b

how awesome would it be to be young forever? no worries on jobss on money on kids! thinking way too far~ #rewindbacktothemaintopic


anyways! main point of this topic is to thank those people who stayed up late to wish me plus to those who gave me presents! i really appreciate it~ seriously :) HEHEHE

mostly~ i wanna thank BABE .HOM . SENT JAY . JIAN & DAWEI since they all accompanied me in the morning with a personal greeting~ HEHEH i really love you guys <3

ESPECIALLY babe , she purposely came to school to accompany me~ loves ya babe <3 hehehe


it's mummy's and daddy's anniversary too! coincidence not? :p it's fate :3

with that~ daddy bought a super shocking present for mummy! an IPAD 2! wuaaa #cheers

From today onwaards, we won't have to bored ourself to death while traveling long journeys~ heyheyyy :p

ko even sync "tangle" and "Shrek" for us to watch~ speaking of ko, i waas a little disappointed in him since i hardly saw him yesterday =="

he had schools in the morning soo it can't be helped, but he spent his afternoon with his football friends and evening with his other friends, celebrating his FRIEND'S birthday instead of ours =="!

worst, i never got a greeting ffrom him =='

seriously! see how disappointed i am? but i can't help it right? he's a guy. guys can be greedy sometimes~

myy random post will END here~ buaayyy :D oh and enjoy your holidays everyone! <3

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