Sunday, November 6, 2011

i never regret it

it's in the middle of exam week and im sitting in front of the computer blogging and not studying? lols~

yeaa myy geo paper II is over! during saturday~ #yay BUT paper I is around the corner ><" TUESDAY! :x

thought it would be easier since i studied alot for paper II but thinking about.. it's like i haven't studied enough? >< nevermind.. i'll just re-stressing again later tonight~ :x

alright! did i mention that POA is on the same date? well i would die ><" BUT luckily myy poa was okayy~ :)) could get good marks if cher didn't include the accrued or something? :) HEHEH no worried on POA i hope :) but still amm going to go through it just in case~

anwaysss~ yesterday bookshop was PACK! and i mean pack since all the kindergarden's parents are here to buy da uniforms got themmm~ those who brought along their kids are like super duper CUTE! HEHEEH have the guts to pinch them sometimes :p

am currently having problems loading twitter... dunno why these days the internet has a problem when i wannted to on it~ #GASP maybe it noes that i'm sitting for myy exam these week and doesn't allow me to use it! 0.0! HAHA just kidding :)

got to have a joke once in a while~

anywaysss~ im sure i could get top #5 in class~ parents PROMISED us to let us get anything we want if we could~ except for phone of cause --"

and i've been craving for an ipod touch! as in WHITE since i heard that there's white? .__.

hope mummy would let me have one ><"


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