Wednesday, November 9, 2011



guess who's here *finally*? LOL!

yeah~ it's me~ LOL! =p

anyways~ tomorrow is my LAST final exam for this year! YEAH!

after tomorrow, i won't have to study or anything till next year! WOOHOO!

today is aaron's birthday~ BF's of ELLEJO! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON! =D hope u have a blast~

these days bookshop so freakishly busy~ why? cause Primary one to Primary six's parents just received the book list from their children's for themselves next year~

i hate selling clothes to them~ -.- why? cause they'll sometimes ask me what size is their children but i have no idea too! D: 

but still i'll help! LOL! i'll always get nervous if i talk to parents~ LOL! =p

tomorrow i'm gonna go bookshop work from 12:00p,m++ to 4:00p.m! YEAH! =D


My sister helped my mother create a page in facebook! it's all about what foods she made for us~ maybe my mother can tell the recipes if u ask~ MAYBE ONLY! LOL! =p

i'm helping her in advertising it~ =D

it's called: Mdm Kok's Leisure Corner

it's sure a cool name ain't it? LOL! my father helped thought of that name~ 

love this song so much! *look down*

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