Thursday, November 10, 2011

last day of exams! WOOTS!


today is the last day of my FINAL EXAMS for this year! it's over! WOOTS!
I'm so damn happy! although there's no feeling like it's over~ -.-

today after school went back home~ =D then helped my mother with doing all those house chores since i have no maids now~ 

i helped in vacuum and moping! =p then ying washed toilets~ HEE!

i also have wash ok? but it's just not today~ =p

anyways, after helping and all those stuffs~ at 12:20p.m+, me and ying went to school! =p because of what? because i need to work~ i haven't been working for a long time~ -.- and i don't feel secure too cause it's like i applied working there and get my salary but i've never stay back and help~ -.- i wanted to! but my parents just don't let me! i have no idea why too!!!!!! >.<

urgh! -.-

the most fun-est thing that i've did for today was that me, ying, dar, rezel and cherng went taking pictures around the school! =D 

we even took jumping pictures! get what i meant? LOL! =p

i think you do~ =p

it was FUN! =D we really did took a lot of pictures but i can't upload any right now~ cause it's all in cherng's ipod and since cherng is out partying, he can't upload any of those pictures~ oh wells~ LOL! =p

i'm watching WGM Adam Couple now! =D FINALLY! 

i've wanted to watch WGM since before exams but i can't of course~ i can't use the computer how can i watch? -.-

now that i think about it....i have a lot of movies to watch~ D: there's WGM Adam Couple, WGM Khuntoria Couple * a little bit left* , WGM TeukSora Couple * i haven't even started this! D: , 醉後決定愛上你 and more korean varieties show~ 

i know! SO MANY?! D: how can i even finish watching all of these right? LOL! =p

 but i wanted to watch it so i shall watch~ HEE! 

okie! i'm going back to watching Adam Couple! BYE! <3


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