Sunday, October 30, 2011

You are myy world

it's been exactly 4 days without a maid... and i've been really nice , helping out mummy with her choirs (that is when I'm free)

well, ya can't blame me when i have schools rite? HEHEHE

been moping, vacuuming, dish washing, wash myy own shoes (wait! I haven't done that!) , washed the toilet (-.-" , seriously?) ... i guess that's all i've done lately? hmm.... the "GUYS" in the family always haz the easy work.

brother just vacuumed downstairs, wipe the table after lunched & dinner and lastly taking out the trash ( but he doesn't do that anymore -.-" left daddy to help him does all his works) seriously? how could brother ever go through his uni life in the future? ._.

Parents are too overly nice to him too~ ==" mummy would just Sui bian sui bian and all when brother got all frustrated with the house work but I couldnt stand it .. Sometime I scold him for mummy's sake~ seriously, they shouldn't treat him too nicely~ -.-"

Change of topic! .. Hmm I never really know why I couldn't think of anything to blog about when I'm using mummy's phone but I got tons of things in myy mind when I'm using the comp D: weird stuff? ._.

Reason why I blogged again today is because after viewing most of myy friends blogsss~ wanted to blog one of myy own~ simple as that :) HEHEHE

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