Friday, September 23, 2011


yesterday at school was.....normal....kinda boring i think? LOL! cause there's nothing to do~ -.- nothing funny happened~ -.-

but i did took 3 pictures though~ =D

 they were talking then i took this picture~ -ying, rezel , dee xiag-

 -me , ying , rezel-

-me and dee xiang-

but then at 'tuition' was damn fun! =D

my tuition teacher made us me, ying, kingston and rezel COFFEE! lol! =D

i love coffee! but then kasian cynthia didn't come neh! >.< cause she went to see Kally running~ it's a running competition but then in the end she didn't run.....

anyways~ teacher made us coffee then he also gave us biscuits to eat! he said eat it with coffee is nice~ so we did~ =D it's really nice! for me~ =D

 rezel's hair got colour! =D <3


 this is the biscuits that cher gave us to eat with the coffee~ =p


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