Saturday, September 17, 2011


last few weeks ago i learned the word 'touche'~ that's is why i'm putting it as my title today~ LOL! my sister taught me that~ =D it's a French word meaning : used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point but now in modern times we always use like...umm......'u got a point'~ that's what my sister told me~ =p

anyways~ i'm not here to discuss about that~ =D my cousins just came to Brunei today~ =D so happy! although i don't know if they are enjoying themselves or not......they're at my living room watching tv...i think? LOL! =D

we went to Fratini's for dinner today~ =D i ordered a carbonara sort of pasta~ something almost alike~ it's small so i didn't ate until i'm superbly full or anything~ just full....=D

then after that we went to The Mall~ it's packed with people man! especially when it's 9:00p.m+(?) maybe it's just today~ because The Mall just suddenly burst with people coming out from Rizqun~ O.O i was shocked ah! all those elevators was full of people....O.O

first time saw this many lah~ as u know i HATE crowded places so i WILL always choose going to The Mall at hours which doesn't contain that much people~

then we went back home~ that's all for my cousins first day in Brunei~ LOL! =D 

oh ya! i haven't tell u guys why i haven't been blogging for weeks? months? i think it's months~ LOL! that's because i've been very very busy with all my tuitions and also i just finished my Test 2~ i've been studying all day! D: tired die me ah! >.<

i felt so relieved after my Test 2 ended~ LOL! =D for my results...everything was average~ except for my chinese of course~ i'm NOT AT ALL surprise that i failed(again and again) my chinese~ i don't know why but i just don't know chinese~ i speak chinese at home but i still suck in it~ -.- i know how to read but write? not really~ yeah~ i know....i'm a chinese but i don't really know chinese~ -.-

i don't want to talk about it anymore~ it's too boring~ LOL! =D 

okie....i guess i could end this post already? i guess i blog a lot already this time~ HEEHEE! =D <3

oh ya! one more thing! =D <3



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