Saturday, September 24, 2011

Starting with a boring day

Just a short post of myy boring morning~

First of all~ myy first time blogging with an iPhone! :D bwahaha

Kayss woke up early in da morning just to have breakfast outside~

I actually forgot what that restaurant was called? Actually...I never really noe? .__. But in our fams, we named it "roti kuning" cause there a kind of bread fried with egg named "cucuk kuning" that we love since we were young :)) heheh soo yea~... memos :D

Myy actual goal was to have their cheese bread (Y) but myy mother ended up telling me that they don't sell cheese breads in da morning but just tea time -.-" I was like "WHAT?"

But we're still going anyway since we're half way there~ -.-"

See how boring this starting day is for me~ but wait! Im going mall later so I think it might get a little more interesting ... Hmmm... :))

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