Monday, September 26, 2011

soo many to say but yet soo little time

didn't i say it would get interesting? well it does! :D

surprises all over~ hehehe first mall : nothing much actually~ but we actually spent all our time there without knowing thay time fly past that fast!

bought what i've always wanted to have with myy two awesome unnies <3 SPECS! :D

i bought hot pink + black , fang got white + black and jie got light pink + black

Came back with headaches for no reason >< meet lots of chunghwas there :))

Was gonna go shahbandar but ended up not since both of myy awesome unnies are not comfortable going~ soo stayed at home and vained again :D mwahahaha :D

Second: Started BBQ at around 6.30-7.00 since myy unnie was going back the next day soo mummy decided to make what she wants~ aww :))

You could say those BBQs are d-e-l-I-c-I-o-u-s :D especially da corns, sweet potatoes, chicken and sausage! Daebak!

Although jie is going back~ I'm soo gonna miss her <3

unnie! bali bali come back okay! We'll vained a whole lot more next time! hehe I'll miss you unnie! saranghaeyo! 
p.s gonna update those pichass next time :)) 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Starting with a boring day

Just a short post of myy boring morning~

First of all~ myy first time blogging with an iPhone! :D bwahaha

Kayss woke up early in da morning just to have breakfast outside~

I actually forgot what that restaurant was called? Actually...I never really noe? .__. But in our fams, we named it "roti kuning" cause there a kind of bread fried with egg named "cucuk kuning" that we love since we were young :)) heheh soo yea~... memos :D

Myy actual goal was to have their cheese bread (Y) but myy mother ended up telling me that they don't sell cheese breads in da morning but just tea time -.-" I was like "WHAT?"

But we're still going anyway since we're half way there~ -.-"

See how boring this starting day is for me~ but wait! Im going mall later so I think it might get a little more interesting ... Hmmm... :))

Friday, September 23, 2011


yesterday at school was.....normal....kinda boring i think? LOL! cause there's nothing to do~ -.- nothing funny happened~ -.-

but i did took 3 pictures though~ =D

 they were talking then i took this picture~ -ying, rezel , dee xiag-

 -me , ying , rezel-

-me and dee xiang-

but then at 'tuition' was damn fun! =D

my tuition teacher made us me, ying, kingston and rezel COFFEE! lol! =D

i love coffee! but then kasian cynthia didn't come neh! >.< cause she went to see Kally running~ it's a running competition but then in the end she didn't run.....

anyways~ teacher made us coffee then he also gave us biscuits to eat! he said eat it with coffee is nice~ so we did~ =D it's really nice! for me~ =D

 rezel's hair got colour! =D <3


 this is the biscuits that cher gave us to eat with the coffee~ =p


Saturday, September 17, 2011


last few weeks ago i learned the word 'touche'~ that's is why i'm putting it as my title today~ LOL! my sister taught me that~ =D it's a French word meaning : used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point but now in modern times we always use like...umm......'u got a point'~ that's what my sister told me~ =p

anyways~ i'm not here to discuss about that~ =D my cousins just came to Brunei today~ =D so happy! although i don't know if they are enjoying themselves or not......they're at my living room watching tv...i think? LOL! =D

we went to Fratini's for dinner today~ =D i ordered a carbonara sort of pasta~ something almost alike~ it's small so i didn't ate until i'm superbly full or anything~ just full....=D

then after that we went to The Mall~ it's packed with people man! especially when it's 9:00p.m+(?) maybe it's just today~ because The Mall just suddenly burst with people coming out from Rizqun~ O.O i was shocked ah! all those elevators was full of people....O.O

first time saw this many lah~ as u know i HATE crowded places so i WILL always choose going to The Mall at hours which doesn't contain that much people~

then we went back home~ that's all for my cousins first day in Brunei~ LOL! =D 

oh ya! i haven't tell u guys why i haven't been blogging for weeks? months? i think it's months~ LOL! that's because i've been very very busy with all my tuitions and also i just finished my Test 2~ i've been studying all day! D: tired die me ah! >.<

i felt so relieved after my Test 2 ended~ LOL! =D for my results...everything was average~ except for my chinese of course~ i'm NOT AT ALL surprise that i failed(again and again) my chinese~ i don't know why but i just don't know chinese~ i speak chinese at home but i still suck in it~ -.- i know how to read but write? not really~ yeah~ i know....i'm a chinese but i don't really know chinese~ -.-

i don't want to talk about it anymore~ it's too boring~ LOL! =D 

okie....i guess i could end this post already? i guess i blog a lot already this time~ HEEHEE! =D <3

oh ya! one more thing! =D <3



Sunday, September 4, 2011

otoke! ><"!

what am i gonna dooo! #cries

there's a patch of red red mark on myy cheek! i've been trying myy best recovering it but still! no use T__T

worst of all! tomolo school starts! everyone would be laughing at me or asking my what happened to myy face... ><""

why would this happen to me on the first day of school? it's like in those movies you seee.. walking down da hallwayyy ... ppl staring.. ppl laughing at youuu? well.. of cause it's not tat drraaaaamaticcc... LOL! im just being way too over~ lalalala

#sighs... tomolo school starts... continued with test after two daysss... i guess for mee i would pass? well.. i've been trying really hard cause myy goal for myy test 2 iss HIGH MARKS! mwahahha...unless you count da losing weight...well.. that's myy other goal :p hehehehe

this is just a short post for noww :))

test iss coming and i might not be able to onlineee soo yeaaaa~ posted something to get this blog lighten up :)) hehehe

ohh right! i learned some new wordsss! "touche" and "Chinken Out"

touche means - got a point- and chicken out mean - took the coward way out- lol! funny meaningggg~ i learn funny words these few daysss~ + im learning some basic korean wordsss~ heheheeh :DD just for funnn~

first time i heard chicken outt and i thought it was some rude words but nahhhh~ it's just a slanggg~ lol :p

till next time :) #byebyee