Friday, March 4, 2011

23 Feb - National Day ♥

23 of Feb 2011 is just a so very great day for me! Well…..although the sun shines so brightly on us which makes us all sweat a lot and SUNBURN! D: But it is still so great! I had a lot of fun that day! i took a lot of pictures with one oh my coach~ I miss all of my coaches~ even one that didn’t even teach us but taught us in 2009~ but then now that they all accepted my friends request in facebook~ I felt so much better~ =D

But then sometimes I would still feel very sad~ always wishing I have a time machine now so that I can go back to that day n find coach Zye( one of my coach) cause I didn’t get to take a picture with him~ T.T

We didn’t go to the Coffee Bean on that day~ cause scared my principle would scold us again like last time~ n also because scared the Coffee Bean’s people don’t welcome us because of last time’s thingi too~ =p

Oh ya! One thing! U noe? We can get back all those umbrellas too leh! So cool! I can have an umbrella as the memories I had in 2011’s National Day performance with a badge that they gave us too! =D

N also! One more thing again! Before going into the Padang~ there’s this one gila guy~ I walked pass him then he said “hello”! sot de~ then I use the “weirdo” eyes~ look at him~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then I walk away~ sot de that guy! =p but then I think he’s just wanna make some friends so it’s okie liaw~ for me~

If next time a guy(don’t care girl or boy) said hi to me~ maybe I should say it back~ if I have the guts that is~ =p n also my mood~ =D

okie! now for pictures! =p

woke up 4:30a.m in the morning to go to school at 5:45a.m cause we MUST reach school at 6a.m sharp~ LOOK! it's still pitch black! D:

in the hall~ i think cynthia or t.wanying took a picture of me with my camera~ =p

then me with t.wanying~ =D

our shoes! *from the top left side*=

ying, cynthia, li yuen, t.wanying n the yellow one is mine! =p

i took this picture! =D T.wanying using ying's mini fan~ then li yuen at the back! ^.^v

mini fan! our hero during practices n on that day! =D

before going in~ we saw then set free all those HUGE balloons! =D this white one is just behind us~ =p

ikr?! so high! D:

then before going, some of us (including me) wanted to take some picture with our female coach but then i ended up not taking it~ cause scared she mind it~ =p so i didn't go find the coach~ tornado n kally did though~ as u can see in that picture! =D ^.^

i don't noe who took this picture n also don't noe when~ but hey! it's zhencherng behind! LOL! =p

after performing~ our coaches asked us to gather up~ then he gave a speech~ miss it so much! >.<

after that, we took some pictures with our coach! (one only though~ -.-)
first try~ failed~ there a bottle there~ =p

second try~ SUCESS! =D

then my seniors took some photos~ =D

now solo time! =p

Rezel with coach

tornado with coach

kally with coach

me and ying with coach~ =D
*currently my newest profile pic in facebook~ =D *

then some random pictures when i was walking back to school~ =p

when i finished walking through this road~ Teacher Simon took a photo of cynthia, me n my sister, ying, ah~ we all peace for him~ LOL! =D happy bwa~ or over active =p wish i can have that picture as memories~ =(

then me, cynthia, ying, t.wanying went to canteen to rest~ *nobody was there~ except for some people =p* then singsiew n vincent joined in after a while~ =D
they're fighting over my mini fan -.-

vincent won at the end~ =p

then walk back to the front of my school~ =D

stopped at Kindergarden~ =D for another rest~ LOL!

i have no idea what they r doing~ -.- but then took it anyways~ =D

asked them to SMILE then took it~ =p

asked them to smile too! only tornado smile TO the camera~ =p


t.wanying wanted to take a picture with ah hui but then ah hui was talking that time~ LOL! =D

t.wanying and aaron~ SO CUTE! =p

this one very cute too! =D

then tornado n ah hui~ i tried taking it so many times ah! but then ah hui kept on looking away or hide~ -.- BUT THEN! at last got it! WHEE! =p

walah! all of that day over~ i mean at school n in padang one~ =p so fun ah! =D

i wish i could turn back time~ =( i'm still missing all those things that happened that day~ T.T

i played with my hair yesterday~ =D

should i put it as my DP in facebook or not? o.o


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