Friday, March 4, 2011

glee freak!

ok im a glee FREAK! HAHAHA

glee's nice okayyy~ they have super AWESOME voices! :))

all of them does! wahahahahhaah

i loves it's when they all sing it together and sounded it like acapella 8D

for example this video down there! yesh! DOWN! :))

well.. it's not one of da glee members who sang it but still! one word :


those guys inside was also quite cute(although da lead singer was a little short? but who cares?) =^.^= (blush)

all of you guys should noe wat song is this rite? 

it's "teenage dream" (remix version) :b

ok about todayy~ quite awesome i guess? 

morning went out for breakfast with myy family except daddy cause he had work~

afternoon we just stayed at home and study! test ishh near soo yeaaa~

evening went out to play badminton with fang and brodaaaa~ HAHAH 

and you noe wat? almost all of us neighbours came out to play~ sadly i didn't get da picture taken~ 

nvm! it had been installed into myy mind anywayy 8D

and night! blogging and continuing myy studyysss~ 

ends here~ BYESS BD

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